The Road to My Ultimate Training System
Announce Your Idea! Finally, I will be walking the road to my ultimate training system! Building my operating system will be a long but exciting journey! I have made a rough plan of the things that I still have to learn and which books to use for that purpose. The next step: announcing my idea and holding myself accountable to keep you up to date on the strides and struggles!
Let’s learn Assembly
It’s been quite a while since I’ve been able to spend some time into my own operating system. However, I’ve found some of it again to do what I love most! There is still a lot to research and to read, but I wanted to do something more practical. Hence, I’ve decided to learn Assembly!…
It has been almost a month since I last posted about the things I have learned during my time reading Write Great Code: Understand the Machine. Therefore, I think it is time to have a little visit back to the content to freshen up my mind before continueing to post further. This will not only…
Internal Numeric Representation
Now we know how numeric systems work, it would be interesting to know what we can do with it. You can do surprisingly much with just one bit, maybe in more ways that you could imagine. Let’s take a look into how the computer internally represents numeric values. A bit is the smallest unit of…
Computer Numbers: Binary & Hexadecimal
Last time, I talked about numbering systems and especially how the base numbering system works. We already know the decimal system best of all, because we use it every day. However, the computer is not fond of this system. It rather uses the binary systems for its numeric representations. But what has the hexadecimal systems…
What is a number? Numeric Representations
Approved by Valentin Utkin It might sound like a silly question, but do you know what a number is? Many of you might answer something among the lines of “just a number”. However, a number to a computer is something completely different than what we perceive as a number. Representation So, what is a number…
Understand the Machine
Approved by Valentin Utkin When programmers are writing code, they feel like computer gods and their code is the best. And sometimes it is true! However, more often than not, their code is not efficient or the programmer used a shortcut or dirty code to get something to work. Sometimes, the inexperience of the programmer…
Additional Books for MUTS!
While I was looking through my books I currently have for the development of MUTS, I came to the conclusion that I missed a couple. To be more precise, I missed books concerning a certain subject within operating system development. While it is not directly related to the development of an operating system, it still…
Collaboration with Valentin!
After getting all the books that I mentioned in my last post, it was time to start reading. That was the moment the biggest question popped up: where? There is so much for me to learn that it took a while to decide upon a book to start with. I talked with Valentin about it…
Book List for MUTS
Before I can start programming on MUTS, I need to gain a lot of knowledge first. What better resource is there then books? Well, many other resources of course but book do lay a good foundation and are in general trustworthy sources as opposed to your random internet article. So, below there is a list…