Additional Books for MUTS!
While I was looking through my books I currently have for the development of MUTS, I came to the conclusion that I missed a couple. To be more precise, I missed books concerning a certain subject within operating system development.
While it is not directly related to the development of an operating system, it still comes in handy to have a decent amount of knowledge about computer architectures. Knowing how the CPU works and communicates with the memory will help with the design of the system. However, I have no in depth knowledge about computer architecture yet. Roughly knowing how it works won’t do me any good.
Thus, I began another research into more books that I could read to gain the knowledge needed about computer architectures. The research proved successful and even landed me with a couple extra books about Assembly. Below is the list containing all the new books that I have selected for MUTS.
- 32/64-Bit 80×86 Assembly Language Architecture by James C. Leiterman
- A Practical Introduction to Computer Architecture by Daniel Page
- Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing by Hesham El-Rewini and Mostafa Abd-El-Barr
- Arithmetric and Logic in Computer Systems by Mi Lu
- ARM Assembly Language Programming by Pete Cockerell
- Assembler Intel Code Table
- Assembly Language for x86 Processors BIOS Level Programming by Kip R. Irvine
- Assembly Language Programming ARM Cortex-M3 by Vincent Mahout
- Assembly Language: The True Language of Programmers by PC Underground
- Computer Architecture: A Quantative Approach by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson
- Computer Architecture by Blanchet Dupouy
- Computer Architecture Fundamentals and Principles of Computer Design by Joseph D. Dumas
- Computer Architecture Software Aspect Coding and Hardware by John Y. Hsu
- Computer Arithmetic Principles Architectures and VLSI Design by Reto Zimmermann
- Computer Design and Architecture by Sajjan G. Shiva
- Computer Organization and Architecture by William Stallings
- Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals by David Tarnoff
- Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy
- Computer Organization and Embedded Systems by Carl Hamacher
- Computer Organization Design and Architecture by Sajjan G. Shiva
- Computer System Architecture by M. Morris Mano
- Computer System Design by Michael J. Flynn and Wayne Luk
- Computer Systems: Theory, Technology, and Applications by Andrew Herbert and Karan Sparck Jones
- Crackproof Your Software by Pavol Cerven
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture by D. Harris and S. Harris
- Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen
- Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture by Mostafa Abd-El-Barr and Hesham El-Rewini
- Guide to Assembly Language by James T. Streib
- Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux by Sivarama P. Dandamudi
- Hardware and Computer Organization: The Software Perspective by Arnold S. Berger
- High Performance Computing by Charles Severance and Kevid Dowd
- How Computers Work by Roger Young
- How Computers Work by Ron White
- Introduction to 80×86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture by Richard C. Detmer
- Introduction to Assembly Language Programming For Pentium and RISC by Savarana D. Dandamundi
- Linkers and Loaders by John R. Levine
- Linux Assembly Language Programming by Bob Neveln
- Mastering Turbo Assembler by Tom Swan
- Microprocessor Theory and Applications with 68000, 68020, and Pentium by M. Rafiquazzaman
- MIPS Assembly Language Programming by Robert Britton
- Parallel Computer Organization and Design by Michel Dubois, Murali Annavaram, and Per Stenstrom
- Principles of Computer Architecture by Miles J. Murdocca and Vincent P. Heuring
- Principles of Computer Organization and Assembly Language Using the JSM by Patrick Juola
- Processor Microarchitecture: An Implementation Perspective by Antonio Gonzalez, Fernando Latorre, and Grigorios Magklis
- Professional Assembly Language by Richard Blum
- Sparc Architecture Assembly Language Programming and C by Richard P. Paul
- The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors by Triebel and Singh
- The Architecture of Computer Hardware, Systems Software, Networking by Irv Englander
- The Assembly Programming Master Book by Vlad Pirogov
- The Definitive Guide to How Computers Do Math by Clive Maxfield and Alvin Brown
- The Essential of Computer Organization and Architecture by Linda Null and Julia Lobur
- The Intel Microprocessors by Barry B. Brey
- Understanding Computers by Deborah Morley and Charles S. Parker
- What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory by Ulrich Drepper
- Windows Assembly Language and System Programming by Barry Kauler
- x86 Instruction Set Architecture by Tom Shanley